
Group Twitter: @Liu_NanoThermal_NCSU

(Please follow the Group Twitter to have more recent updates)

May 2024 Our recent work has been published in Science Advances! See the news here:

April 2024 Ziqi Wang and Cong Yang have passed their preliminary exam!

April 2023 Dr. Jun Liu received the NC State Outstanding Teacher Award!

April 2023 Ankit Negi successfully passed his defense and now formally a Ph.D. ! Congratulations, Ankit!

February 2023 Our recent work has been published in Advanced Materials!

February 2023 Our recent work has been published in Nature Materials!

See the media reports here:

December 2022 Our recent work has been published in the Journal of Molecular Liquids!

December 2022 Saqlain Raza successfully passed his qualification exam!

August 2022 Dr. Jun Liu has been promoted to Associate Professor!

December 2021 Ankit Negi successfully passed his prelim exam and now formally a Ph.D. candidate! Congratulations, Ankit!

December 2021 Jixiong recently published another two papers on thermal transport in polymer and polymer composites:
1. Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal transport in semicrystallline polyethylene: Roles of strain and the crystalline-amorphous interphase region, journal of applied physics, 130, 225101, 2021. [We analyzed the thermal transport in the interphase region and revealed the importance of chain topologies in the interlamellar region]
2. Thermal percolation and electrical insulation in composite materials with partially metallic coated fillers, applied physics letters, 119, 211602, 2021. [Theoretically we designed a composite with thermal percolation and electrical insulation]

August 2021 Welcome three new Ph.D. students: Saqlain Raza, Ziqi Wang, and Cong Yang.

June 2021 Jixiong He’s paper proposes to improve the numerical method for predicting phonon lifetimes in strongly anharmonic materials at high temperatures has been published! It is selected as the Editor’s Pick and will be featured on the homepage.

May 2021 Ankit Negi receives the College of Engineering Summer Graduate Merit Award. Congratulations, Ankit!

Apr 2021 Jixiong He successfully defended his dissertation and now formally a Ph.D.! Congratulations, Dr. He!

Dec 2020 Dr. Liu receives the Outstanding Teaching Award from the MAE department! 

Sep 2020 Dr. Liu receives the Chancellor’s Faculty Excellence Award! 

July 2020 Our collaborative work with Prof. Ghosh at College of Textile published in ACS Applied Energy Materials! Congratulations to Kyunghoon and Ankit!

Flexible Material Shows Potential for Use in Fabrics to Heat, Cool

Flexible Material Shows Potential For Use In Fabrics To Heat, Cool 

May 2020 Our group has received an NSF grant to study thermal transport in ferroelectric materials! Congratulations to all!

Apr 2020 Jixiong He successfully passed his prelim exam and now formally a Ph.D. candidate! Congratulations, Jixiong!

Mar 2020 Kyunghoon Kim successfully defended his dissertation and now formally a Ph.D.! Congratulations, Dr. Kim!

Mar 2020 Prof.Jennifer Lukes visits our group!

Jan 2020 Our group has been granted access to XSEDE, an NSF supported high-performance computing resource!

Nov 2019 Dr. Liu received NSF CAREER Award from the Thermal Transport Process Program!

Nov 2019 The Liu group (Dr. Liu, Kyunghoon, Jixiong) attended the 2019 ASME IMECE conferences in Salt Lake City. Kyunghoon and Jixiong did poster presentations at the ASME Society-Wide Micro/Nano Technology Forum. Congratulations to Kyunghoon Kim who got the ‘Best Poster Awards – Second Place’ in the poster competition!

Oct 2019 Prof. David Cahill from UIUC visited our group!

June 2019 Our group received two awards from NC State to develop the research programs: FRPD and RISF. Thank you for the support!

May 2019 Congratulations! Harish successfully defended his thesis! Excellent presentation!

May 2019 Congratulations! Kyunghoon Kim passes his prelim exam! A milestone to the Ph.D.!

May 2019 Jixiong presents at MRS.


May 2019 Our paper, working together with Prof. Gang Chen at MIT and Prof. Xiaobo Li at HUST, is published at Journal of Applied Physics! It is interesting to look into the effect of kinks on thermal transport in a single polymer chain. This paper also becomes the ‘Editor’s Pick’.

May 2019 Harish published his work in Journal of Applied Physics on the role of angular bending in polymers!

Mar 2019 Welcome Yunjian Wu to our lab as a visiting Ph.D. student from Wuhan University.

Mar 2019 Jixiong and Harish attended MAE Graduate Research Symposium.

Mar 2019 Our paper on the role of angular bending freedom in regulating thermal transport in polymers has been published! Congrats!

Jan 2019 Harish attended Future of Materials (FOM) III workshop and presented a poster.

November 2018 Dr. Liu attended ASME IMECE 2018 conference and successfully organized the Micro/Nano Poster Forum.

October 2018 The Liu Lab welcomes Ankit Negi (graduate) and Yuhan Pan (undergraduate)!

October 2018 Jixiong He did an excellent 45-min talk at ORaCLE center! Congratulations! 


September 2018 Congratulations to Dr. Liu! As the co-chair for 2018 ASME IMECE Micro/Nano Forum, the committee will receive a travel grant from NSF programs CBET and CMMI for students to attend this conference.

September 2018 Congratulations to Harish! He has been selected as a graduate assistant for undergraduate office!

September 2018 Dr. Liu received the award from the NC Space Grant New Investigators Program! 

September 2018 Dr. Liu, as the co-PI, received the award from the UNC Coastal Studies Institute for the renewable ocean energy! 

August 2018  Our paper on the disorder enhanced thermal anisotropy ratio in 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures has been published in Journal of Applied Physics. Congratulations, Kyunghoon Kim!

July 2018  Our paper on the thermal percolation in nanocomposites have been published in Applied Physics Letters. Congratulations, Kyunghoon Kim!

June 2018  Dr. Liu attended the 20th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties at Boulder, CO and presented our recent work on enhancing thermal anisotropy ratio.

May 2018  Kyunghoon Kim and Dr. Liu did outreach activities at Cary Red Apple for K-9 students.

Mar 2018  Kyunghoon Kim and Jixiong He attended the MAE department Graduate Research Symposium and presented their recent work!

Jan 2018  Kyunghoon Kim and Jixiong He attended the Future of Materials Research II (FOM II) workshop and presented their recent work!

Jan 2018  Our paper on the molecular dynamics simulations of strain effect in crystalline polyethylene has been published! Congratulations, Jixiong and Kyunghoon!

Jan 2018  Our paper on the molecular dynamics simulations of semicrystalline polyethylene has been published!

Sep 2017  Prof. Baowen Li from University of Colorado at Boulder visited our department and gave a seminar talk!

May 2017 Prof. Ronggui Yang from University of Colorado at Boulder visited our lab and gave a seminar talk in the department!

March 2017 Jixiong He won the Third Prize in the poster presentation competition in MAE Research Symposium. Congratulations!

March 2017 Jixiong He passes his qualify exam. Congratulations!

Oct 2016  Our work on thermal conductivity of lithiated two-dimensional materials has been published in Nature Communications!